I'm old. Well, old if 68 is old. I have relatives and friends in their 90s, and THAT's truly old.
This site is intended to replace my Facebook account. There's nothing wrong with this blogspot site except that I haven't used it, so it's bare and sad. As for Facebook, I'm writing this entry two days after the "insurrection" at the Capitol in Washington, DC. That was the most disturbing political event I can recall since the multiple assassinations in the 1960s. Most disturbing to me, however, has been the reaction in some quarters: some people thought it was hilarious, and some people compared the Black Lives Matter "riots" to this mob action. And some people with whom I agree were just as disturbed about it as I was, maybe more so.
I have decided that I am no longer interested in seeing such comments because I react with too much anger, and anger is not something I need in my life right now. I shouldn't be watching and reading the news at all. So I'll spend much less time on Facebook, and I will express my opinions here in this blog. If I react to someone's comment in anger, my action will be to simply delete the comment. It's my stuff, under my control.
So that's the rebirth story of this blog.
When I was in elementary school I wrote an autobiography. I called it "Me, Myself and I: The Three Stooges". I might even have a copy of it to transcribe. But at some point I guess I'll write another autobiography.
Why? Just before the COVID pandemic disrupted our lives, I found out I had cancer. Pancreatic cancer is one of the toughest to overcome because it is usually diagnosed in Stage IV, where it has already metastasized (reproduced itself in other places besides your pancreas). Mine was at the border between Stage III (local spreading) and Stage IV, at a point where it "might" be surgically removed. After chemo it turned out to be unresectable (can't be sliced out), so I had an intense radiation "trial" instead. We continue to watch for results.
In an ordinary year, between or after treatments I might have travelled to visit all of my grandchildren, done some sightseeing, traveled abroad, and enjoyed the company of friends and family as long as I was able. But 2020 was no ordinary year (duh!) and none of that happened. And I don't know how much time I have left: will the widespread distribution of vaccines soon end the pandemic and allow us all to travel and congregate again? Or will I be gone before I can give and receive the hugs I long for?
So my purpose in writing this blog is to create a sort of autobiography, to let my friends and family in on my thoughts and activities while I'm able to write about them. Call it a legacy of sorts. It's kind of selfish, I know, but it's an outlet for my mind and heart that will survive me, I hope. Don't we all wish that we could live in good health for a longer time? Well, that's not the way life works, so this poor substitute will have to do.
I plan to pull into this blog my most important posts from Facebook and wherever else I have expressed something important to me. And I plan to post here exclusively. Facebook will no longer be a place where I spend much time or energy.
At least that's the plan. Let's see how it goes.
You have more wisdom than you realize. Keep writing. Love and “hugs.” Luigi
I like this effort, Chris. It is also good that the ability to comment is a available.
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